
The family

The history of our company has deep roots and a strictly family tradition that has been intertwined with the rows of vines for many years.
The vineyards have been worked for four generations, since great-grandfather Giuseppe began planting and working the first vines at the beginning of the 20th century. Those were difficult years characterized by two world wars, but Giuseppe, assisted by his son Francesco, continued cultivating the vines through great sacrifices, tenacity, and determination, following the destruction caused by the wars.
Francesco, in turn, passed on his great passion to his son Giuseppe, who, with commitment and dedication, managed to expand the company’s boundaries by purchasing new land, increasing production, and focusing on improving the high quality of the grapes and wines.
Now Francesco represents the fourth generation, continuing the family tradition, striving to best combine the experience of the past with today’s innovations, while respecting their roots.

